=============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Logged 2-Dec-2000 by Taisch, playing the mecha-chimera and other randomness Somewhat edited for format and spelling by Taisch. Summary: Ardin presents a seminar on the mecha-chimera, interruptions ensue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =============================================================================== Lecture Hall (at the University of Babylon) This large, circular room is almost the size of a small auditorium. Everything in it is designed to maximize the impact of a speaker's presentation, and the comfort and convenience of the listeners. The floor slopes downward to the raised lecture platform, multiple tiers of seats rising toward the back to provide easy viewing. The chairs of made of simple metal construction, and long rows of plain, straight desk-tables stretch between the rows of chairs, enabling listeners to easily write or take notes. The furniture is painted in a warm, neutral beige. The platform itself, raised off the floor like a small stage, is a equipped with a beige metal podium and a microphone wired to the room's sound system. Behind it are equipment for audiovisual presentations, a blackboard, and a screen that can be pulled down for slide or film viewing. Tall windows ring the room, framed by long curtains of an august gray speckled with white. They can be opened to admit natural light, or drawn to close off the distractions of the outside world. Contents: Airalyn Ardin Gavin Mecha-chimera remnants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The PLAYERS: Madeleine A female figure, garbed in a trenchcoat and slant-brimmed hat, both black as the shadows. She moves with a quiet, unobtrusive grace, showing a calm courtesy and refinement. Beneath the brim of her hat, a creamy white face peers out, delicately sculpted, highlighted by vivid blue-violet eyes. Her smile is warm and friendly, and she seems like someone you can talk to. Raven-black locks flow to her shoulders, parting in a widow's peak at her forehead. From the lobes of her graceful ears dangle earrings shaped in strange occultic symbols. Gavin A thinly shaped man, about 6'2, standing with back straight, neck erect, and chest out, proudly.. All this seems subconscious to him.. But when a closer inspection is had to him, one sees it has been hammered into him since he was created, now a part of him, as much as his hand or his leg. His dark hair is kept in a nice clean style, slicked forward to about a quarter of the way down his forehead.. He seems to be young, around his early 20's you'd say.. But one look at his deep golden eyes totally and completely demolishes that concept. They are too knowing, too thoughtful and seeing too much for his age, understanding things only knowledge from experience can bring. Too off color also.. A pair of dark, silver rimmed sunglasses rest in the pocket of his jacket, or sometimes on the bridge of his nose, covering his eyes. A dark black leather jacket, comfortable in both the heat and cold, not that it looks as if either would bother him.. His pants are simple blue jeans, a little faded but still in pristine shape.. Every once in a while he will glance to the sky, looking, as he'd rather be up there, than standing here, on the ground. Airalyn Raven locks cascade down her back, and frame her soft pale features. Misty gray orbs peer about uncaring, more lost in her own thoughts then of what's going on around her.. Garbed always in the shades of shadows, she wears simple robes and small black shoes cover her dainty feet. Ardin Before you Stands Ardin, He stand's a full six feet tall. He apear's to weigth about One hundred and twenty pounds. He has short jet black hair, which barely touches his round yet very pointed ear's. His eye's pupils are dark red. His skin is tanned and smooth. His body is well sculpted and has a medium build on it. He is wearing a Long Black cloak. The cloak is long and tattered. It extends past his knees and touche's the ground he walk's on. The cloak's hood completely cover's his face so only his eye's glowing red are visable. Underneath he wear's a Old durable Breastplate for armor. He weares a black belt, wiht a silver buckle. Hanging from his beltby his right hip is his viking War Axe. He wear's black pant's. He wears old worn and beaten black boots on his feet. Mecha-chimera remnants Scorched bits of metal that once were part of the mecha-chimera. A twisted claw, a piece of skin (steel with bits of melted glass, rubber, plastic sticking to it), an unidentifiable blackened piece ripped from the inside of one of the monsters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The SCENE: Ardin Walks in to the hall with Airalyn. He sets the mecha-chimera remants and some books down for visual aids. He aramges his notes he smiles and nods to Airalyn "Have a seat little one and enjoy the show." Madeleine walks quietly into the hall. She smiles at Ardin, watching his preparations, and takes a seat. She's brought along a tape recorder and notepad for her own use. Airalyn hesitently moves from Ardin and goes to sit down.. The Dean of the University, Mirabella, walks in with a rustle of her black gown. She looks around the room, smiling thinly at those gathered. "Greetings, Ladies and Gentlemen. Today's lecture will be given by an independent scholar, Ardin." With a gracious gesture in his direction, she hands the podium to him. Airalyn smiles to Ardin and listens quietly for him to begin speaking.. Ardin Smiles "Thank you ma'am" he moves to the podium and takes out a laser pointer. He sets the remains of the mecha-chimera on a nearby table and has copies of photos from books that he slides onto the overhead. He takes the podium. "Greetings..today I will speak about the recent apearence of the mechanoids...I have with me several visual aids." He clicks the laser pointer heheh and has too much fun pointing out the claw and metal pieces. "The Mecha-Chimera Are intriguing creatures....they are aparently immune to metal as firearms had no effect nor did metal bladed weapons." Madeleine settles back in her seat and clicks on her tape recorder, while her blue eyes pay close attention to the visuals. Gavin stifles a yawn. Ardin Continues "They are very strong but aparently weak minded and easily controlled." He pauses "They resemble earth creatures..reptiles...a millipede other animals." He turns and holds up the claw. "It's metal..they are made up of metal and flesh, however they were created they are almost cyborg like." This piece" He holds up a piece of metal "Was found inside one of them." Taking a pause he shuffles soem stuff and switches on the overhead. Showing pictures of old cities he points with the laser pointer to mecha chimera "Pictures of these mechanoids have been found in books..they were on the earth during the early days of the apocalypse maybe even pre-apocalyptic..in cities like Denver, chicago...and tokyo..." Ardin says "They came out of a crack a small chasm in the ground which closed up when we pushed them back. Further more they 'seemed' to be attacking humans but it is possible they were trying to comunicate or 'use' them as one seemed to implant something in a citadel guard..." He blinks huh metal is warm then not...weird..." Ardin Goes on "Another mechanoid tried to carry a human away." He looks at the crowed and goes on. "university studies and findings are as follows. These remains are from a converted human and was possibly a normal human at one time." He smiles "Traces of Rune-Magic were found on these pieces...very old yet very powerful Rune-Magic." A..person claimed to have spoken to these things and that they are looking for a 'timerip' Airalyn raises an eyebrow in curiousity.. Madeleine continues to listen attentively, with a few silent nods as she's reminded of what she's already seen. The very tip of the claw sitting on the table seems to tremble for a moment, making a faint clicking noise. The surface seems to vibrate briefly, causing all the remnants to shift slightly. Well. Maybe a heavy truck just drove by, outside, or something. Ardin says "As you know Rune-Magic is a very powerful and old magic. Thus leading me to belive whoever created these not only was able to wield such a power but also had advanced human technology. I have a theory... since These things showed up now..and were in the past, they aparently can tiem travel. I think it is possible that somewhere in history or maybe the future these things either as humans or as what they are now developed time travel... they used it and caused a rift in spacetime which they now seek to repair. It's possible their ability to time travel is a mix of rune-Magic and technology. They're here now..they were here at the begining of the apocolypse..." He stops to look at the moving parts." Dean Mirabella is seated at the back of the room, presiding with her usual icy solemnity. She'd look somewhat pompous in her black Renaissance gown if it weren't for the deathlike paleness of her aspect, revealing her as one from beyond the grave. A weird mixture of she-ghoul and schoolmarm, she too gives her attentive interest, eyes shining like black agates. When the slight movement of the remants occurs, all eyes in the room seem to turn to that table. Ardin says "I believe they're trying to repair a rift they caused by using time travel and are here to help...and maybe not actually hurting humans but using them to aid in the repair of the rift." Gavin raises a hand. Ardin says "Yes?" Gavin clears his throat.. "Why then when they first emerged begin to randomly slaughtering people..?" Ardin says "Perhaps what you think of slaughter is their means of survival? These remains were once human...perhaps they travel and take new humans to convert or use as spare parts? perhaps they cannot reproduce and they merely repair themselves?" The table vibrates again. All the remnants jitter around, coming together to form a single clump... Ardin Steps back and his eyes glow. "What the hell..." Gavin stands up and stares at the pile, moving a little ways away.. The clump melts into itself, becoming rounder and shinier... Gavin tilts his head, and stares at the pile.. Airalyn gapes at the action on the table.. Ardin Steps towards the pile. Mirabella is about offer a comment of her own when the new movment ensues. With a frown, she rises ponderously from her seat and mutters something to the security guard near the door. Maddy also springs to the alert, making herself ready for trouble. Airalyn rises to her feet and walks closer to the table, and closer to Ardin.. Ardin Takes a breath and reaches out and touches the sphere barely with his fingers... Madeleine joins the other two near the table. She watches, eyes narrowed, and a bit worried at Ardin's action. Airalyn stares at Ardin, her eyes begging nothing to go wrong.. The sphere continues to grow smoother and shinier, a faint greenish cast to the metal. Ardin says "It's warm..its squirming." Gavin walks closer to the table, about 5 paces from it now.. Ardin Picks it up in his hand and turns to show it to the audiance. Madeleine says lowly, "I think I should put a cage around that thing.. yes, Ardin?" Airalyn watches the sphere intently while moving to stand next to Ardin, "interesting" Ardin says "It appears to be shapeshifting and reforming..." Mirabella frowns as she marches toward the front of the room. "Yes, confine the object immediately," she orders, looking from each person to the next. Gavin stares at the small sphere intently and suddenly relaxes, the ball more or less still moving, but not able to shake anymore.. "Its fine now.." Ardin says "Calmness people it is only changing shape..." Airalyn looks around the room at all the tenseness.. Ardin holds the sphere and smiles. "Any questions regarding my theory or lecture?" Airalyn looks at the sphere and again around the room.. Madeleine continues watching, Mirabella standing by with arms crossed in her best schoolmarm manner. The Dean's lips twitch faintly as she glowers coldly at the object like a teacher warning it to be quiet. Finally, she relaxes a bit, looking to Ardin with a slight smile. "I do have a comment to make, sir." The sphere seems to shudder under Ardin's fingers, almost agitated... Ardin Squeezes the sphere. "Intriguing" Gavin looks at Ardin.. "Please.. do not do that.." Airalyn grabs Ardin's arm trying to make him step away from the object, in a quiet voice.. "please.." Ardin says "Also my theories and findings are based on research from myself.. maddy, lady clarible and angela as well as witness testimones." Ardin mutters to Airalyn, "... not..." Small black dots form all over the sphere. Connecting the dots...hmm... Airalyn glares at the object but stands still next to Ardin.. The Dean glances from Ardin to Madeleine. "Just to be safe, I want that put in a suitable container. Something -not- made of metal.." Turning to Ardin, "Please place that on the floor, sir, and allow Miss Madeleine to employ her Conjury." Gavin coughs.. "I have it under control Ms. Dean.. Madeleine nods to Gavin, "Your help is appreciated, sir, but we do not know what powers this.. thing possesses. I prefer to err on the side of safety." She gives the piece of metal another faint, ladylike scowl. Ardin says "hold up....I want to try some things before you contain it." Gavin nods Ardin runs his hands over it. Squeezes it. pounds on it to see if its hollow... then extends a sharp claw from his index finger and tries to scratch it... Mirabella steps back stuffily and nods. "All right." Her black eyes continue to survey his actions acutely. Gavin hmms.. "I need a plastic container, thin and sturdy if possible.." Airalyn watches the dots moving and whispers to Ardin, "it looks like they're forming a symbol of sorts.. old angelic scripts perhaps... " Madeleine looks to Gavin and hmms. "Perhaps ceramic would be stronger?" Ardin quirks a brow. "you sure? The black dots get a little bigger. Now they seem to be holes into black nothingness... Ardin Puts his hand on the 'symbol' and presses...then he presses the dots then he presses them in the order they conected..then revsred order.... Gavin nods to Maddy.. Airalyn shrugs her shoulders.. Gavin says "It is trying to get away... A container if you would, incase It breaks from my control.." Maddy's eyes return to the object. "I've seen a symbol like that, but I don't recall what it means." She turns to Mirabella, who shrugs and shakes her head, watching. "Now, Madeleine," she says and to Ardin, "Please set it on the table now. We do not know what it can or will do." Ardin says "hold up maddy" Small green things appear from the dots... they don't seem to be keys or buttons... Ardin touches the green things "Sorry, Ardin," Madeleine says as she steps forward, right after he touches the object. Her own hand moves in lightly and cautiously until it rests on the metal for a brief instant.. just long enough for her power to exert its will. Gavin says "A container please..!" They crawl...they have legs! And tiny purple eyes. Tiny little green ants... they reach the table... Ardin frowns it is -HIS- property HE killed them and claimed the remains. Ardin picks up an ant. The ant crawls as best it can away... Airalyn says "Ardin! What are you doing?" A bug jar of thick, reinforced glass manifests around the ants which remain on the table. Gavin takes a container and places it on the table.. The sphere rises and comes to rest inside the opened box.. Ardin Eye's glow and he entraps the ant. it obediantly crawls into his hand and he holds it up. Ardin says "It has a mind cause I can possess it." Ardin says "airalyn can your magic determin anything?" Ardin Holds the ant to his face. "Relax Little one...there is nothing to fear." Airalyn watches the ant and Ardin, "I don't like that.. thing" Ardin says "Why? it's well an ant." Gavin frowns and points to the jar.. Airalyn says "just an ant? Come on, you can't actually believe that... you saw how they just formed..." Ardin says "Oh sure its not an ordinary ant..but it is completely under my control." Ardin Sets ant on the floor. Ardin Raises a hand and the ant moves across the floor then comes back then across.... Ardin Has too much fun. Airalyn says "and what about those in that glass jar? What if they change again?" Madeleine arches a brow lightly at Ardin's stubborness. She shrugs and looks to Mirabella. "Well, now we know where the gnats came from.." she remarks, before snickering. "I guess Ardin just wants to play with his bugs now." Ardin says "them in the jar?" Ardin says "i can control them if you wish." Ardin Smiles and picks up the ant and hands to to airalyn. Airalyn drops the ant on the table and backs away Ardin says "Anyone touch it..." Airalyn glares at her mentor unhappily Gavin is just staring at the sphere.. Ardin says "Anyone object to seeing if one of the ants can be destroyed?" Airalyn says "Yeah, I do" Ardin says "Why?" Airalyn says "I don't know.. just.. why do you want to destroy it?" Mirabella watches all this steadily. "I see that you have this entity under your control, sir," she addresses Ardin in a quietly mollifying manner. "It would be helpful if you use your talents to assist in further study, at the lab." Meanwhile the other students in the hall are gawking, some of them getting up for a closer look. Ardin says "to one see if it can be and two does the university have microscopic tools to cut it open and look at?" Madeleine nods, "You will find such equipment in the laboratory, and our technicians will assist you." Ardin says "Ma'am I am capable of controling many beings..human.. demon angela. I had three of the mechanoids under my control at the battle..however the more i control the greater the strain. How may I assist you?" Mirabella's brow furrows a bit as she studies the caged bugs, before turning back to Ardin. "Would it be possible to control them just enough to prevent them from being destructive, while still letting us observe their actions?" Ardin says "Yes Ma'am" Mirabella strokes her chin. "We need to find out what it is they are trying to do, and to communicate with them if possible." She hmms a bit, "And for that, we need to find someone who knows their language." Mecha-chimera remnants A small round sphere of metal, tinted green, with a pattern of black dots all over it, that may remind you of writing if you squint at it. Also about 50 little green ants with purple eyes. ===============================================================================