The Deities of the New Religion


In the year 9306, Ela's angel Jibril came to Mehemet in the desert and ordered him to relay the Message of God to all mortals. As a sign of the truth of his revelation, Ela sent the Black Stone to land at the Prophet's feet. The Prophet took stone and message to the holy city. It was then holy to other deities, but the Prophet set the Black Stone into the wall of the Kaba, the Stone House that had been the chief temple/altar of the city, and thus bound all the other gods that were worshipped there into the being of Ela.

Ela gave Mehemet detailed instructions on how his people should conduct themselves. He was able to establish a community of Believers among humans, but the faith has not caught on yet with non-humans.

Pillars of the Faith

A Believer is supposed to follow the five pillars of the faith:

The Prophet also made extensive social reforms, limiting blood feuds and improving the status of women, slaves, children, the poor. People from different clans became united under one faith. Racial prejudices were diminished --- everyone was an equal under Ela.


To Believers, Ela is the only true god, the only god that is God. All other gods are either distorted reflections or merely powerful beings masquerading as gods.


The Mother aspect of the goddess. Once accorded more importance, but now regarded as a subordinate aspect of Ela. She is appealed to for prosperity by commoners.


The Maiden aspect of the goddess (but now regarded as a subordinate aspect of Ela). Now appealed to by those who work on the water and during drought years. She is said to bring luck.


The Crone aspect of the goddess (but now regarded as a subordinate aspect of Ela). She is associated with fate and random factors beyond mortal control. She is the goddess of wind and storm. Those whose lives are easily destroyed by chance (including sailors, warriors, etc.) often pray for her protection.


Hubal is considered Ela's wayward child. He is that aspect of God that inspires diviners and oracles. He is full of luck and trickery, knowing everything but never answering a question directly. He knows his father's mind, and teases humans, he likes irony.


The Prophet's daughter: source of wisdom, the "hidden tablet, upon whom God has written." One line of Imams traces its line of descent through Fatima. She is said to be more willing to give a straight answer than Hubal.

King Solomon

Solomon was a king long before Mehemet delivered the Message of God. However, according to tradition, he had foreknowledge of Ela, and was able to use the Names of God on a magical seal to command spirits. He was a wizard and loremaster of great power.


Once the most greatest of Ela's angels, he refused to bow down before Man, and so fell from grace. Now he plots the destruction of all that Ela has wrought, especially the umma (community of Believers). Many other fallen angels and evil spirits follow Iblis. Evil giants are said to be their offspring with mortals.


The Prophet is never worshipped as a god himself. Tradition (probably influenced by Eastern religions) has it that Ela sends him each generation in a new incarnation, until such time as all mortals have heard the Message of God.

The Muezzin's Call to Prayer

God is most great
God is most great
God is most great
God is most great
I testify that there is no god but God
I testify that there is no god but God
I testify that Mehemet is the messenger of God
I testify that Mehemet is the messenger of God
Come (alive) to the prayer
Come (alive) to the prayer
Come (alive) to flourishing
Come (alive) to flourishing
Prayer is better than sleep *
Prayer is better than sleep *
God is most great
God is most great
There is no god but God.

* = Only for the dawn prayer

The translation to the call to prayer is from Islam: a thousand years of faith and power by Jonathan Bloom and Sheila Blair. (Except for calling the prophet Mehemet to distinguish the MUSH character from real life.)

The cultural, social, religious, etc. material presented on these pages is original to 1001 Nights MUX (though based on actual real life mythology, folklore, and religions.)

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